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From hobo to hipster: ‘The Spirit of the Square’ gets a complete makeover

A homeless man gets a complete makeover after 25 years on the streets, and a heartwarming video of his reaction goes viral.

The video of his transformation went viral after being posted on Facebook

A 55-year-old homeless Spanish man broke down in tears after seeing the results of his incredible transformation from dishevelled, grey-haired hobo to a natty hipster after 25 years on the streets.

'El Espiritu de la Plaza' 'The Spirit of the Square', Jose Antonio had been living on the streets of the Majorcan capital, Palma, for more than 25 years, working as an unlicensed car park attendant to make money to buy food. Source: Faceboook/LADbible

Jose Antonio became homeless after suffering depression in his twenties

A homeless man broke down in tears upon seeing the results of a dramatic makeover he was given free by a local trendy hair salon. At the time the video was made,  Jose Antonio had been living on the streets of the Majorcan capital, Palma, for more than 25 years, 

Former electrician, Jose Antonio, lost his way in life and ended up homeless after suffering from depression in his twenties. Well-known and liked by locals, he worked unofficially as a car park attendant to make money to buy food.

‘The video was shot in the Majorcan capital Palma in July 2015 but has only gone viral in the last few days after its release for the first time.’, reports Gerard Couzens, for The Mail Online

“F**k! My God! This is incredible, is this me?” Jose Antonio said when he first saw what salon staff had done with his appearance. “I'm so different, no-one's going to recognise me unless I tell them who I am.”
His touching reaction is priceless “F**k! My God! This is incredible, is this me?” Jose Antonio said when he first saw what salon staff had done with his appearance. “I’m so different, no-one’s going to recognise me unless I tell them who I am.” Source: Facebook/LaSalvajería

In the original video (below) we see the reactions of locals to Jose Antonio’s transformation

Even if you don’t understand Spanish, the following video is still well worth watching for the reactions of the locals. After the transformational makeover, Jose Antonio goes walkabout in the square where he is known and loved as a permanent fixture, and at first nobody recognises him! The reactions once people realise it’s their very own ‘Sprit of the Square’ shows their love and appreciation for him. One of them even asks him "Where’s your Ferrari?"

In the video Jose Antonio can be seen ordering a beer in the square where he works and the waiter clearly does not recognise him and is astonished when he reveals his true identity.
Admiring glances and compliments from well-wishers only adds to the positive experience In the video Jose Antonio can be seen ordering a beer in the square where he works and the waiter clearly does not recognise him and is astonished when he reveals his true identity. Source: Facebook/LaSalvajeria
Jose Antonio is a regular sight in the squareSource: Facebook/LaSalvajería

“It wasn’t just a change of look. It changed my life.”

The report by Gerard Couzens, for The Mail Online concludes:

The video was shot in the Majorcan capital Palma in July 2015, but has only gone viral in the last few days after its release for the first time.

Jose Antonio, who is now clean-shaven and has retained a healthier look although he has got his grey hair back, is still looking for work.

He is off the streets now and admitted today in an interview with a Spanish TV station, where hair salon owner Salva Garcia revealed Jose Antonio had received financial assistance from a company which wished to remain anonymous: "It wasn’t just a change of look. It changed my life. What I want now is a proper job."

Source: MailOnline

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