No one will be left untouched by the inspiring story of holocaust survivor Dr. Edith Eger

No one will be left untouched by the story of holocaust survivor Dr. Edith Eger. In our exclusive video Dr. Edith Eger shares her experience of the Holocaust. In her bestselling book, The Choice, she teaches us about love, hope and forgiveness and share the remarkable stories of the people whose lives she’s touched in her inspiring life.

Her Story

Edith Eger was born on September 29, 1927, in Kosice, Slovakia, where she lived with her jewish parents and two sisters, Magda and Clara.  She grew up in Hungary.

Her father was a tailor, her mother a civil servant. In March 1944, Hungarian Nazis came to her house and arrested her family. Before the round-ups, Eger trained as a gymnast for the Hungarian Olympic team, but was not allowed to participate because of her religion.

In May 1944, Edith, her sister Magda and her parents were loaded onto cattle cars and sent to Auschwitz, where Edith first encountered Dr. Mengele. In November 1944, Edith and Magda were consigned to ammunition trains and slave labor.

Both her parents died in Auschwitz. In May 1945, Edith and her sister Magda were liberated from Gunskirchen and were reunited with their sister Clara in Prague.

Shortly after the war, Eger met and married Bela, a fellow Hungarian Jew who had been a partisan, anti-Nazi fighter. The young family moved with their baby daughter to the United States to escape communist rule in Hungary. 

They had three children. In the late sixties, she graduaded with honors from the University of Texas and became a clinical psychologist.  Dr. Eger holds a faculty appointment at the University of California—San Diego, and also serves as a consultant for the U.S. Army and U.S. Navy in resiliency training and the treatment of PTSD.

No one will be left untouched by the wisdom of this Auschwitze survivorSource: Facebook BrightVibes

Source: None

Her Book

At age 90. Dr. Eger decided to write her first book – The Choice – an award winning international bestseller.

In The Choice, Dr Edith Eger shares her experience of the Holocaust and the remarkable stories of those she has helped ever since.

Today, she is an internationally acclaimed psychologist whose patients include survivors of abuse and soldiers suffering from PTSD. She explains how many of us live within a mind that has become a prison, and shows how freedom becomes possible once we confront our suffering.

Like Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning, but exceptional in its own right, The Choice is life changing.  Warm, compassionate and infinitely wise, it is a profound examination of the human spirit, and our capacity to heal.


Source: None

This article was first published by BrightVibes on Jul 16, 2018.

More on Edith Eger

Find out more about Edith Eger's life after Auschwitz and what all she has accomplished and done for other people.

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