Source: Facebook - Delayne Ivanowski

Father in Tears as Daughter Reveals She is Life-Saving Kidney Donor

In Missouri, a heartwarming story recently went viral of a daughter who defied her father and secretly donated her kidney to him, saving his life. John Ivanowski, a 60-year-old man, suffered from a form of kidney disease and relied on dialysis to survive. However, he refused to let his daughter, Delayne, donate her kidney to him. This article tells the story of their incredible journey and the impact it has had on their lives.

The story begins with John Ivanowski, a 60-year-old man from Missouri, who suffered from kidney disease and relied on a dialysis machine every couple of days for about five hours each time. Despite his daughter’s offer to donate her kidney, he refused, saying that she was too young and had a long life ahead of her.

Delayne’s Persistence

Delayne, 25, was determined to help her father and began the process of donating her kidney without his knowledge. She reached out to his coordinator, and once her father was in good enough shape for the transplant, they began running tests on her to make sure she was a match. Despite her father’s objections, she was determined to go through with the donation.

The Surprise Gift

The gift from daughter to father took place with John unaware until the surgery was done, and she walked through his hospital room door the next day. The heartwarming moment was filmed and posted to TikTok by Delayne, showing her father in complete shock when she walked in.

Overcoming Objections

John’s objections were in part due to a tragedy the family endured when his son died 16 years ago from neuroblastoma, a type of cancer. However, a doctor told the outlet that there is no greater risk to the health of a living donor than if they hold onto all their organs. Delayne’s post on social media raised funds to cover the transplant.

The Impact of Delayne’s Gift

The transplant was a success, and any anger John initially held has disappeared now that he no longer needs dialysis. “I wouldn’t change a thing. I feel so much better,” he told ABC News. The impact of Delayne’s gift has been significant, not only on John’s health but also on their relationship. They have become closer and have a deeper appreciation for life.


Delayne started a GoFundMe campaign to help cover the cost of her father’s kidney transplant. She set a goal of $6,000 to cover the surgery expenses, but to her surprise, the campaign raised over $10,000 in just a few days. The overwhelming support from family, friends, and even strangers has been heartwarming for the Ivanowski family. As Delayne says, “As their daughter, I know how much they have sacrificed for me in my 25 years of living, and it is in my heart to want to do everything in my power to help them through this stressful time.” The funds raised will go towards the medical bills from both their procedures that insurance doesn’t cover and out-of-pocket costs. The family is grateful for the outpouring of love and support during this difficult time.

For another heartwarming story, read this BrightVibes article about Cameron Lyle, who gave up his collegiate athletic career to donate bone marrow to a young man with leukemia.



Help them pay for their medical bills

Delayne wants to thank everyone who has donated so far to help aid my parents with the medical bills from both of our procedures that insurance doesn’t cover and out-of-pocket costs.

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