
Costa Rica completely bans styrofoam containers

The law that comes into force in 24 months bans the import, marketing, and distribution polystyrene containers nationwide.

New Law Prohibits the Use of Styrofoam in Costa Rica

In June, legislators in Costa Rica approved in the second and final debate the law that prohibits the import, marketing, and distribution of expanded polystyrene containers, also known as styrofoam. Violation comes with a fine from ¢446,200 to ¢4.46 million colones (€700-7000/$780-7800). However, polystyrene for packaging of electrical appliances, etc, and containers of industrial and construction uses are excluded from the ban.

Styrofoam is a material commonly used in the packaging of the food industry for its lightness, hygiene, and low cost. It is resistant to heat and humidity, does not absorb water or rot; therefore, it cannot be degraded in the environment. For more details on styrofoam and what to do about it, click the link ?
The problem with polystyrene Styrofoam is a material commonly used in the packaging of the food industry for its lightness, hygiene, and low cost. It is resistant to heat and humidity, does not absorb water or rot; therefore, it cannot be degraded in the environment. For more details on styrofoam and what to do about it, click the link ? Source:

A giant step for public health, the environment and the economy of the country

The President, Carlos Alvarado; Ministers of Environment and Energy, Carlos Manuel Rodríguez and of Health, Daniel Salas, signed on Monday morning the execution of a modification to the law for “The Integral Management of Waste” in an activity that took place in the National Center of Culture (CENAC). 

Violation comes with a fine of one to ten base salaries, that is from ¢446,200 to ¢4.46 million colones (€700-7000 or $780-7800).

Polystyrene for packaging of electrical appliances, etc, and containers of industrial and construction uses are excluded. 

The Government is required to support companies in the transition to more environmentally friendly containers before the law comes into force 24 months after its official publication in the official government newsletter, La Gaceta. 

“This initiative is a giant step for public health, the environment and the economy of the country because styrofoam generates great pollution,” said PAC legislator Paola Vega of the initiative presented by former legislators of the Frente Ampio party, Edgardo Araya.

The Ministry of Health will have the responsibility of regulating the law and applying the respective sanctions to businesses in violation.

Now, the approved by must be signed by the president of the Republic, Carlos Alvarado, before being sent to the national printer for publication in La Gaceta. 


Check out BrightVibes SUSTAINABLE PLANET page for more positive articles on plastic pollution solutions from around the world.

Styrofoam prohibition Law - Message from President Carlos Alvarado President Carlos Alvarado indicated that it is necessary to make a change “in our minds but also in our narrative. Today we are demonstrating to Costa Rica that we are going to fight to protect their fundamental rights such as the right to health and at the same time we are sending a clear message that these actions respond to the unequivocal commitment that this administration has to reach the decarbonization of the economy”. Source: YouTube/CasaPresidencialCostaRica


IF YOU DON'T THINK IT’S POSSIBLE TO LIVE WITHOUT PLASTIC — OR AT LEAST, LESS OF IT — THINK AGAIN!<br /> <br /> Here at Bright Vibes we are passionate about the environment, and we're keen to promote anything that can help improve the world we live in for ourselves and for future generations. Here are 10 suggestions of everyday plastic items we can all easily live without, and by quitting them we are doing our bit to reduce demand and production, further reducing the risk of more plastic finding its way into our oceans and foodchain.

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