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Coronavirus sparks unprecedented gangland truce in South Africa

In what‘s been described as “literally a miracle”, warring gangs in South Africa join forces in an unprecedented truce to deliver much-needed food to people under lockdown, including former rivals.

South African rival gangs call truce to help with relief

South Africa has seen a 75% decrease in violent crime since it imposed strict restrictions over the coronavirus pandemic, and normally dangerous streets in Cape Town now see sworn enemies meeting up to collect essential goods to distribute throughout hungry communities. "What we’re seeing happen here is literally a miracle," said Pastor Andie Steele-Smith.

Pastor Andie Steele-Smith (pictured) works with gang members in his community, many of whom are convicted killers.
“Literally a miracle”, as violent rival gangs in South Africa call truce to help people during pandemic Pastor Andie Steele-Smith (pictured) works with gang members in his community, many of whom are convicted killers. Source: CBS-News

Initiative by investment banker turned church pastor sees hate turn to love

It is being hailed as “a miracle”. In the face of a common enemy some of South Africa’s most violent gangs have put down their weapons and are working together to help their rivals cope with the coronavirus crisis. The gangs, who until recently were literally at each other’s throats fighting for control of scarce resources in the poverty stricken suburbs of Cape Town, have begun to hand out food parcels to their former enemies, reported The Telegraph earlier this month.

Organised by an investment banker turned church pastor, the initiative has seen the likes of convicted murderer Preston Jacobs, 35, distributing aid parcels in the deprived suburb of Manenberg, including to members of rival gangs.

Mr. Jacobs, leader of the long-established ‘Americans’ gang, who was released in 2018 from a seven-year jail sentence for his part in the death of a man from a rival gang, now finds himself handing out food to members of gangs he used to hate. 

The 35-year-old, who also murdered his mother’s “drunk, violent lover” when he was just 14, says he has now found God, and is changing his life. 

“I have met so many people in my community and I feel they respect me. So we will love each other,” he said.

“I made mistakes and I regret and I was punished and I will become a better man. This came with God, and I have learned about God from Pastor Andie.”

Andie Steele-Smith moved to South Africa five years ago.
Pastor Andie is former investment banker. Andie Steele-Smith moved to South Africa five years ago. Source: Twitter/AndieSteele-Smith

Pastor Andie became involved with gangs when he persuaded some of them to help put out fires

Pastor Andie is former investment banker Andie Steele-Smith, 52, an Australian, who moved to South Africa with his family five years ago, is part of the Hillsong Church in Cape Town.

He first became involved with gangs a year ago at a barbecue, where he persuaded some of them to help put fires out in shanty towns and then rebuild some of the shacks. 

But the 21 day lockdown ordered by the South African government to stem the spread of COVID-19 is the first time enemy gangs have worked together, Mr. Steele-Smith said. 

Between them they are feeding about 30 000 people with donated food. 

Mr. Steele-Smith said: “Gangsterism thrives on poverty. All of the gangs are at war with all of the gangs. They are natural enemies. So this… (handing out food packs together) is a bit of a miracle.“

Such was the violence that during one weekend alone last year gangs operating among the shacks and poverty of the mixed race suburbs known as the Cape Flats killed 14 people.

Someone else handing out food to his former enemies is Sansieme Hassan, 31, one of the Clever Kids gang, who was also enrolled by Pastor Andie..

Mr. Hassan, who is married with two daughters, has long struggled to find work and wishes he could learn a trade.

Taking a short break from the relief effort he said: “We never have enough money. So life is very difficult. They are usually very dangerous…the other gangs, but we are trying now”.

However, authorities who have been working for years to reduce the amount of gang violence in South Africa are still skeptical.

"I don’t think it exonerates you when you’ve done so much evil," Cape Town Councilman JP Smith said. "One good deed doesn’t suddenly wipe it all away. Maybe they can commit to more long-term good." 

Source: TheTelegraph

Today saw the leadership and a team of volunteers from 3 of Manenberg’s prominent gangs - the Hard Living, the Clever Kidz and the Americans + a team of community leaders and faithful servants from the community and from churches across Cape Town. All working together. All co-operating together. All praying together. And all believing in a better future for themselves and for Manenberg.The team managed to provide 2,000kg of food (300 parcels) + 300kg of fresh vegetables + almost 200kg of Vetkoek mix, to several thousand of the most vulnerable and in dire-need residents. Blessings - and stay safe! Andie
“Perfect love casts out all fear….. And by God’s grace, today we saw that up close and personal.” Today saw the leadership and a team of volunteers from 3 of Manenberg’s prominent gangs – the Hard Living, the Clever Kidz and the Americans + a team of community leaders and faithful servants from the community and from churches across Cape Town. All working together. All co-operating together. All praying together. And all believing in a better future for themselves and for Manenberg.The team managed to provide 2,000kg of food (300 parcels) + 300kg of fresh vegetables + almost 200kg of Vetkoek mix, to several thousand of the most vulnerable and in dire-need residents. Blessings – and stay safe! Andie Source: Facebook/andiesteelesmith
How coronavirus inspired a gangland truce An unprecedented truce has broken out in the notorious, gang-infested townships around Cape Town, as rival gang leaders stop their endless turf wars and instead bring food to struggling households. With South Africa currently in the middle of a lockdown to try to control the spread of coronavirus, many people in poor communities are struggling to buy the goods that they need. Source: BBCNews


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