Source: Facebook/KaneshaCarnegie

Cop films 3 young rappers rush to the aid of an elderly woman

A Florida Police Officer’s video of three young men gently helping an elderly woman into her car has gone viral as they strengthen our faith in humanity.

Police Officer ‘captures’ three rappers on video as they assist an elderly couple

The three young men are being praised for quickly coming to the aid of a 100-year-old man who was having trouble helping his exhausted wife into their car’s passenger seat. The gallant deed was captured on camera thanks to Officer Kanesha Carnegie of the Levy County Sheriff’s Office in Bronson, Florida.

These three gallant young men will restore your faith in humanity We didn’t even ask if they needed help — we felt comfortable giving them a hand right away,” said one of the men afterwards. “I kept thinking, ‘She could have been my grandmother.’ 100 years old is a beautiful life.” Source: Facebook/A-Plus

“I know these men… I wanted them to have that moment to show who they really are,” says cop

Officer Kanesha Carnegie had been in a gas station parking lot in Williston when she saw 89-year-old Rose Griest struggling to get back into her car.

The elderly couple had reportedly stopped on their way to a medical appointment in order for Griest to use the gas station bathroom. However, upon returning to the car, Mrs. Griest was so exhausted from the trip she could barely stand.

Officer Carnegie was about to go over to offer her assistance when she saw three young rappers from the neighbourhood approach the couple and help them into their car.

Carnegie recognised the three friends as Joc Koe Stoe, Marty, and Freddy G, and instead asked their permission to film the exchange so she could inspire other people with their act of compassion.

“It was a beautiful thing to see,” Carnegie told YahooNews. “I know these men from the neighborhood, and I wanted them to have that moment to show who they really are.”

Since uploading the video to Facebook last month, it has been viewed millions of times.


Two friends tenderly manoeuvre Rose Griest into the passenger’s seat and a third man helps David with his walker. 
“Thank you so much fellas... I’m 100 years old.”David can be heard saying. “Take it easy,” said one of the men, as David gets into the driver’s seat.
David and Rose Griest are 100 and 89 years old respectively Two friends tenderly manoeuvre Rose Griest into the passenger’s seat and a third man helps David with his walker.
“Thank you so much fellas… I’m 100 years old.”David can be heard saying. “Take it easy,” said one of the men, as David gets into the driver’s seat. Source: Facebook/KaneshaCarnegie

“I kept thinking, ‘She could have been my grandmother.’ 100 years old is a beautiful life,”

In Officer Carnegie’ video two of the men are seen to steady Rose as she struggles to stand, while David holds her hand. They maneuver Rose into the passenger’s seat and a third man helps David with his walker. 

“Thank you so much fellas,” David can be heard saying. “I’m 100 years old.”

“Take it easy,” said one of the men, as David gets into the driver’s seat.

Marty told Yahoo Lifestyle that the friends, who are all rappers, were just grabbing some chips and soda at the gas station when they saw David and Rose through a window. 

“We didn’t even ask if they needed help — we felt comfortable giving them a hand right away,” says the 30-year-old. “I kept thinking, ‘She could have been my grandmother.’ 100 years old is a beautiful life.”

Random acts of kindness restoring faith in humanity Source: YouTube/AllTheAmazing

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