Source: None

Can it really be this easy to make someone’s day?

Look what can happen when you smile at the rest of the world

Wow what a happy family.  Our Co-Founder Michiel De Gooijer was travelling through Spain on holiday with his family and decided a good way of keeping his kids entertained was getting them to wave at fellow drivers on the long drive back to Holland!

Well would you believe it?  Some of the drivers didn’t wave back.  So when Pablo (11) said "Daddy, why are they not waving back?" his only response was to "wave harder son".  Naturally, the response was huge and the kids were super excited.

Realising how happy this made everyone they were waving to – as well as the kids – it was clear that he wanted to capture this and share it with the world.

So this video was created in Holland with these little rascals

Pablo (11), Chris (11) and Kira (9) and what a fun we all had recording it. 

Happy Driving featuring Pablo (11), Chris (11) and Kira (9) Source: BrightVibes
Just look at some of the silly faces they managed to make people pull
Just look at some of the silly faces they managed to make people pull Source: None

This idea also came from the amazing video that was created by Shea Glover.  In this video you can see she is filming people for a university project and with the camera running she tells these people simply they are "beautiful".  The reaction in their faces from the normal mundane to a big smile and release of happiness is electric.

You can read the story here:

Shea Glover created this amazing video Source: YouTube - Shea Glover
Look at those smiling faces
Look at those smiling faces Source: None
Little charmers
Little charmers Source: None
Waving in full action now!
Waving in full action now! Source: None

It has now been proven through science that not only do you smile when you are happy but in actual fact smiling can then also make you happy.

So we say here at Bright Vibes that you should smile as much as you can.  It’s so contagious that you just might make someone else smile and that may well keep going all around the world.

Science of Smiling

Huffington Post article about smiling

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