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Brazil Launched Its Largest-Ever Crackdown on Amazon’s Illegal Cattle Farms

In an unprecedented move, Brazil has launched the largest-ever crackdown on illegal cattle farms within the Amazon. This bold initiative not only underscores the nation’s commitment to halting environmental degradation but also sets a global benchmark. As the Amazon begins its journey to revival, other regions remain at pivotal junctures.

Operation Eraha Tapiro – A Game Changer

Spearheaded by President Lula, the “Ox Removal” operation targets the heart of illegal cattle farming in the Amazon. This decisive action, coupled with other initiatives, has resulted in a 66% decline in Amazon deforestation within just a year, reaching its lowest levels since 2018.

Sending a Global Signal

Brazil’s proactive measures serve as a clear message to all stakeholders, from cattle ranchers to major corporations like JBS and illegal miners: The era of unchecked deforestation is drawing to a close.

Resisting the Crackdown

In response to the intensified crackdown on illegal cattle farming in the Amazon, the illegal cattle industry has employed a series of tactics to hinder the efforts of Brazil’s environmental protection agency, Ibama. In a recent operation, Ibama agents faced significant challenges, including bridges set ablaze by arsonists and other bridges deliberately destroyed by chainsaws.

Illegal cattle farmers often resort to burning down the rainforest primarily to clear land for pasture. The dense vegetation of rainforests makes burning the quickest and most cost-effective method for large-scale land clearing.

These acts of sabotage, often orchestrated by local criminals known as grileiros, are aimed at preventing the removal of thousands of illegal cattle from the Amazon’s Indigenous territories.

Ibama’s Renewed Resolve

However, the recent operations by Ibama, with the support of other agencies, signal a renewed commitment to curbing these illegal activities. The largest-ever operation to remove cattle from Indigenous territories has been launched, targeting environmental criminals who have encroached upon these lands. Despite the challenges, including systematic sabotage by cattle owners and their deep knowledge of the region, the operation continues, aiming to send a clear message: deforestation and illegal cattle farming will not be tolerated.

Challenges Beyond the Amazon

The Cerrado and Pantanal Dilemma: As the Amazon charts its path to recovery, ecosystems like the Cerrado and Pantanal face mounting threats. With deforestation in the Cerrado exceeding 5,000 square kilometers this year and Bolivia witnessing record deforestation influenced by giants like Cargill, the challenges are evident.

The Power of Reforestation

The ecological challenges in these regions are daunting but not insurmountable.

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With the right commitment, the tide of destruction can be reversed, making way for expansive reforestation.

Leveraging Traceability for Sustainability

With the tools at their disposal, major corporations can ensure their supply chains are free from deforestation. However, this shift requires sustained pressure from influential entities, including supermarkets like Carrefour, Ahold Delhaize, Tesco, and financial institutions like Barclays.

Clear Choice

We must prioritize our planet over short-term gains. Through collaborative efforts spanning governments, corporations, and individuals, we can envision and realize a greener future.

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