Source: Facebook/Ricardo Pimentel Cordero (Herma)

Animal Lover Brings 300 Dogs Into His House During Hurricane

A modern-day Noah opened up his home to hundreds of animals as deadly hurricane Delta bore down on Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula.

His home looked like Noah’s ark

Reminiscent of the story of Noah’s Ark, where a man took in vast numbers of creatures to protect them from the Deluge, Mexican animal lover Ricardo Pimentel knew he had to act if hundreds animals were to have shelter from impending disaster. 

GoodNewsNetwork reported that as deadly hurricane Delta bore down on Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula tearing a path of destruction directly to his door, Pimentel herded hundreds of animals—including more than 300 dogs, numerous rabbits, chickens, and even a hedgehog—inside his home to shelter them from the storm. With the house full, a flock of sheep huddled for safety on the patio. 

“It doesn’t matter if the house is dirty, it can be cleaned,” Pimentel told AP. “The things they broke can be fixed or bought again, but what’s beautiful is to see them happy, healthy and safe, without wounds and with the possibility of being adopted.”
Ricardo’s house suffered a beating, both inside and out, but the entire menagerie survived. “It doesn’t matter if the house is dirty, it can be cleaned,” Pimentel told AP. “The things they broke can be fixed or bought again, but what’s beautiful is to see them happy, healthy and safe, without wounds and with the possibility of being adopted.” Source: Facebook/Ricardo Pimentel Cordero

“Leave footprints of kindness for others to follow.”

While his house suffered a beating both inside and out, the entire menagerie survived. “It doesn’t matter if the house is dirty, it can be cleaned,” Pimentel told AP. “The things they broke can be fixed or bought again, but what’s beautiful is to see them happy, healthy and safe, without wounds and with the possibility of being adopted.”

Pimentel’s actions came as no surprise to those who know him. The home he shares with his family serves as the hub of Tierra de Animales (Land of Animals), the 10-year-old animal sanctuary he founded about 20 miles southwest of Cancun.

Knowing supplies might be hard to come by, prior to the storm, Pimentel posted to social media about his concerns for the welfare of his flock. 

As Delta raged, he also posted pictures from inside his house—which looked like a real-life version of 101 Dalmatians—times three.

Once Delta had passed, with so many mouths to feed and a major post-storm cleanup underway, Pimentel didn’t realise his posts had gone viral until donations from around the world started pouring in. What’s more, neighbours soon arrived in the aftermath of the hurricane to help clear debris and rebuild the sanctuary.

While he was awed by the generosity of donors and volunteers, Pimentel hopes this moment in the spotlight will serve a larger purpose—helping him find forever homes for some of his rescues so he’ll be able to save even more.

“We would like to think that thanks to all this attention, somebody would like to be part of the story and say: ‘I adopted a dog saved from that famous Hurricane Delta,’” he explained.

The storm may be over, but Pimentel continues to walk the walk, a living testament to the sanctuary’s motto, “Leave footprints of kindness for others to follow.”

Source: GoodNewsNetwork 

The home he shares with his family serves as the hub of Tierra de Animales (Land of Animals), the 10-year-old animal sanctuary he founded about 20 miles southwest of Cancun.
Pimentel’s actions were no surprise to those who know him. The home he shares with his family serves as the hub of Tierra de Animales (Land of Animals), the 10-year-old animal sanctuary he founded about 20 miles southwest of Cancun. Source: Facebook/Ricardo Pimentel Cordero
Knowing supplies might be hard to come by, prior to the storm, Pimentel posted to social media about his concerns for the welfare of his flock. Source: Facebook/Ricardo Pimentel Cordero
While he was awed by the generosity of donors and volunteers, Pimentel hopes this moment in the spotlight will serve a larger purpose—helping him find forever homes for some of his rescues so he’ll be able to save even more.
Neighbours soon arrived in the aftermath of the hurricane to help clear debris and rebuild the sanctuary. While he was awed by the generosity of donors and volunteers, Pimentel hopes this moment in the spotlight will serve a larger purpose—helping him find forever homes for some of his rescues so he’ll be able to save even more. Source: Facebook/Ricardo Pimentel Cordero
“We would like to think that thanks to all this attention, somebody would like to be part of the story and say: ‘I adopted a dog saved from that famous Hurricane Delta,’” says Ricardo.
If you know dogs, you know that look. They adore this man. “We would like to think that thanks to all this attention, somebody would like to be part of the story and say: ‘I adopted a dog saved from that famous Hurricane Delta,’” says Ricardo. Source: Facebook/Ricardo Pimentel Cordero
—which looked like a real-life version of 101 Dalmatians—times three.
As Delta raged, he also posted pictures from inside his house —which looked like a real-life version of 101 Dalmatians—times three. Source: Instagram/chinopimentel
Once Delta had passed, with so many mouths to feed and a major post-storm cleanup underway, Pimentel didn’t realise his posts had gone viral until donations from around the world started pouring in. Source: Instagram/chinopimentel
The storm may be over, but Pimentel continues to walk the walk, a living testament to the sanctuary’s motto, “Leave footprints of kindness for others to follow.”
Grey around the muzzle: two older dogs, safe and comfortable. The storm may be over, but Pimentel continues to walk the walk, a living testament to the sanctuary’s motto, “Leave footprints of kindness for others to follow.” Source: Instagram/chinopimentel
Please consider making a donation to @tierradeanimales #huracanzeta #tierradeanimales #adoptanocompres #refugio #santuariodeanimales
Food for at least 10 days, to cover any eventuality. Please consider making a donation to @tierradeanimales #huracanzeta #tierradeanimales #adoptanocompres #refugio #santuariodeanimales Source: Instagram/chinopimentel
Guy Brings 300 Dogs Into His House During A Hurricane | The Dodo Heroes Everybody seems to get along quite well under the circumstances. Source: YouTube/TheDodo

Follow Ricardo and his work

Follow Ricardo and his work on Facebook | Instagram | Website 

Tierra de animales could use some help

Tierra de Animales sanctuary was founded in March 2011 as a refuge for Cancun’s forgotten and abandoned street dogs, or ‘perros callejeros’.

Animals rescued from the streets now have a safe place to call home, and a place to heal from the unfortunate circumstances that left them alone and abandoned. Dogs who once had virtually no chance of survival , those that have been injured and abused, and those who are simply abandoned or born on the streets….now all have a second chance at a better life.

Animals rescued by Tierra de Animales receive immediate medical attention, love and care, and friendship with other dogs who all have similar histories:

All of our dogs are sterilized, as we believe it is vital to breaking the cycle of animal homelessness and suffering. Our mission at TdA is to rescue, rehabilitate, sterilize, socialize and adopt our dogs to forever homes.….please join our cause and help us in this important mission.

At Tierra de Animales, we offer plenty of wide open area for the dogs to run and play, outdoor runs for dogs that need to remain kenneled, and separate interior special needs kennels and a bathing area.

Many of the dogs that we rescue are injured and sick, and require much care. Currently we are constructing a large quarantine and admittance area to accommodate all of the dogs that arrive injured and sick…we need your help to complete construction…we are overflowing with dogs that need medical attention and quarantine.

The next phase of construction will be more outdoor ‘living’ areas and an onsite sterilization/health clinic. The founding of TdA has been a enormous labor of love to transform undeveloped jungle land into what we are today, and we are still growing… 

Tierra de Animales relies solely on personal donations to operate, and we need and ask for your support. Help us give dignity and respect to the lives of these dogs…they only ask for love and a chance to be happy.

Source: VeganTravel

Like 101 Dalmatians... times three! Ricardo Pimentel herded hundreds of animals—including more than 300 dogs, numerous rabbits, chickens, and even a hedgehog—inside his home to shelter them from the storm. Source: Facebook/Ricardo Pimentel Cordero


Many of the dogs that we rescue are injured and sick, and require much care. Currently we are constructing a large quarantine and admittance area to accommodate all of the dogs that arrive injured and sick…we need your help to complete construction…we are overflowing with dogs that need medical attention and quarantine. Tierra de Animales relies solely on personal donations to operate, and we need and ask for your support. Help us give dignity and respect to the lives of these dogs…they only ask for love and a chance to be happy.

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