Source: BrightVibes

A global initiative to unite humanity under one flag

By uniting humanity, we can combat the global challenges our planet is facing.

united as one

Flags unite people all over the world, but they also divide them based on country, religion and other beliefs. Now more than ever it is important that we, the human race, stand united to deal with the challenges the earth is facing. The earth flag aims to unite all people across the world.

Let's unite humanity under one flag The only way to face global challenges is to act as one global ? community. Friday, on #worldpeaceday, the Flag of Planet Earth will be raised on the Arctic ice. Join EarthToday to unite humanity ♥ under one symbol and help spread this incredible movement #OneFlag #EarthToday #FlagOfPlanetEarth Source: Facebook / BrightVibes

we are all citizens of the world

Our world is facing tremendous challenges: Climate change, the depletion of the earth’s resources, extreme poverty and inequality.

We are all intertwined and so are these problems and challenges. What happens in one place, can greatly affect an entirely different place across the globe. The fact that it is all connected is a problem, but fortunately it is also a huge opportunity.

We can overcome these problems, but only if we are united as one and tackle these problems as one human race, by working together with people from all corners of the earth.

‘Our’ flag has been planted

"Born in different colours, raised in different countries, but we all share the same earth." Captain Clemens and his crew have succesfully planted the Flag of Planet Earth, that is a reminder that we, as one human race, should take care of each other and the planet we share.

This planting of the flag is an attempt to establish a state of peace. Only when we live together in peace, united as one, can we help save planet Earth and its tremendous resources and species. 

The planting of the flag To remind us we all must take care of our ?, the Flag of Planet Earth - a symbol to unite humanity as one ❤ - was planted with EarthToday in the Arctic, on September 21st, the international day of peace. Source: Facebook BrightVibes
On their way to the last remaining bit of Arctic Ice to plant the Earth Flag in order to establish of State of Peace.
On their way to the last remaining bit of Arctic Ice to plant the Earth Flag in order to establish of State of Peace. Source: Earth Today
Captain Clemens leads the crew of the sailing ship Infinity. Source: Earth Today

the earth flag

We all have a common denominator: our citizenship on planet earth. The earth flag is the symbol to represent this united citizenship.

Sailing yacht Infinity has traveled for over two weeks towards the Northwest Passage to plant the International Flag of Planet Earth in the last remaining piece of Arctic ice. They have succesfully planted the flag on the 21st of September – the international day of peace.

22-crew-members from 17 different nationalities representing the human race have been heading towards this piece of Arctic Ice for weeks to establish a ‘state of peace’ by planting the flag.

The flag represents the mental shift we have to make toward an inclusive planetary identity. While many flags implicitly divide people, the Earth Flag explicitly unites human kind.

The blue planet's flag is - of course - blue! And it shows how we as individuals are all connected and can't exist without all working together. We need each other, and this planet need us to work together in order to save it.
Click the link to watch the video about the reasoning behind the design of the earth flag.
The Earth Flag The blue planet’s flag is – of course – blue! And it shows how we as individuals are all connected and can’t exist without all working together. We need each other, and this planet need us to work together in order to save it.
Click the link to watch the video about the reasoning behind the design of the earth flag. Source: Earth Today

we’re on a mission

The Earth Today initiative is comprised of missions in several stages that will help bring peace to our planet and humanity.

Unite one million people. Sign up for the cause right now to show that you are a citizen of the earth and stand with our common goal to save the planet. The initiative wants to unite one million people to accelerate individual initiatives for innovators and changemakers around the world.

One global platform. By 2025, they want to have created a global platform with one billion citizens of planet earth through conscious, constructive content.

Accelerate protection. By 2030, they want to have created a support system for individual projects and organizations dedicated to conserving and protecting our oceans, air and land. Initiatives need both local and global support to be scalable and to be able to really do something about climate change.

Together we stand strong. So let your voice be heard and declare yourself a citizen of planet earth.

Become a citizen of the world

Sign up to become a global citizen in order to show your support for a global state of peace.

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