Source: BrightVibes

9 operations could not help her walk, but this big Dane did

Her life changed completely thanks to this super trained service dog. So beautiful!

Dog as ‘medical wonder’

By the time Bella was ten, she had nine surgeries to endure. She suffers from the rare Morquio syndrom – an immune system which hinders her growth and makes it next to impossible for her to walk. That she can now actually walk is not due to a medical wonder but thanks to big dane called George

They are inseparable. George also helps her climbing the stairs at school.
At school They are inseparable. George also helps her climbing the stairs at school. Source: Facebook Bella and George
Compared to Bella, George is the size of a pony ;-)
Big hero Compared to Bella, George is the size of a pony 😉 Source: Facebook Bella and George
This picture says more than a thousand words.
True love This picture says more than a thousand words. Source: Facebook Bella and George

Service Dogs

George is gigantic, Bella is small and fragile. Therefore, it is crucial that George has been trained thoroughly as a ‘Service Dog’. The is an American organisation which has trained over 100 great danes to help the mobility impaired. As you can tell from George and Bella, they are doing a fantastic job. 

Puppy March From a young age, puppies learn to follow their trainers, and learn to eat from a spoon. The spoon feeding helps them to learn their name and to wait their turn. Source: Facebook Service Dog Project

Dogs really are man’s best friend

Maybe you like cat (or cat videos 😉 more than dogs. And that’s cool. But I’m 100% sure that dogs can do so much more for people than cats can. If you find a cat that:

please let us know, because you’ll have the next viral hit in your hands 😉


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