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9 Good reasons to hug more (with adorable animal photos)

BrightVibes presents 9 science-backed reasons we should all hug each other more often, illustrated with 9 pictures of cute creatures cuddling.


From the seemingly obvious to the more obscure and technical, BrightVibes is happy to present 9 (mostly) scientifically-backed reasons to hug and be hugged more.

which fortifies bonds with loved ones and stimulates solidarity between strangers.
1. Hugging induces oxytocin in the body, which fortifies bonds with loved ones and stimulates solidarity between strangers. Source: Pixabay/rabedirkwennigsen


  1. Hugging induces oxytocin in the body, which fortifies bonds with loved ones and stimulates solidarity between strangers.
  2. Hugs make you happy  — Hugs boost dopamine levels (a.k.a. the pleasure hormone) and make us happier. It can even help ward off depression.
  3. Hugs lower stress  — Hugs decrease the stress hormone cortisol. Next time you feel stressed, just hug it off. A cuddle decreases cortisol levels, melting away stress and tension.
  4. Hugs reduce the worry of mortality — Research found that hugging helps soothe our existential fears, and helps us to embrace life.
  5. Hugs lower our blood pressure — Collecting hugs is excellent for your ticker, in more ways than one! Continued below…

Sources: simply click on any highlighted text to see original source of that particular statement.

Hugs boost dopamine levels (a.k.a. the pleasure hormone) and make us happier. It can even help ward off depression.
2. Hugs make you happy  — Hugs boost dopamine levels (a.k.a. the pleasure hormone) and make us happier. It can even help ward off depression. Source: Pixabay/Edu_Ruiz
Hugs decrease the stress hormone cortisol. Next time you feel stressed, just hug it off. A cuddle decreases cortisol levels, melting away stress and tension.
3. Hugs lower stress  — Hugs decrease the stress hormone cortisol. Next time you feel stressed, just hug it off. A cuddle decreases cortisol levels, melting away stress and tension. Source: Pixabay/RoyBuri
Research found that hugging helps soothe our existential fears, and helps us to embrace life.
4. Hugs reduce the worry of mortality — Research found that hugging helps soothe our existential fears, and helps us to embrace life. Source: Pixabay/Cock-Robin
Collecting hugs is excellent for your ticker, in more ways than one!
5. Hugs lower our blood pressure — Collecting hugs is excellent for your ticker, in more ways than one! Source: Unsplash/Vincent van Zalinge


6.  Hugs are a reciprocal good deed**  — You never know what someone might be going through. A good, sincere hug has the potential to completely alter someone’s day.

7.  Hugging feels incredible** — The power of human touch is profound, and our bodies are filled with nerves ready for stimulation. Hugging makes us feel appreciated and understood, and encourages open and honest communication.

8.  Hugs make us feel less lonely — Hugging causes the brain to release serotonin, creating pleasure and negating feelings of loneliness.

9.  Hugs relieve pain — Hugging releases endorphins, which relieve pain by blocking pain pathways and soothe aches by increasing circulation to soft tissues.

Sources: simply click on any highlighted text to see original source of that particular statement.

** Common Sense

You never know what someone might be going through. A good, sincere hug has the potential to completely alter someone’s day.
6.  Hugs are a reciprocal good deed — You never know what someone might be going through. A good, sincere hug has the potential to completely alter someone’s day. Source: Unsplash/Mélody P
The power of human touch is profound, and our bodies are filled with nerves ready for stimulation. Hugging makes us feel appreciated and understood, and encourages open and honest communication.
7.  Hugging feels incredible — The power of human touch is profound, and our bodies are filled with nerves ready for stimulation. Hugging makes us feel appreciated and understood, and encourages open and honest communication. Source: Unsplash/Aleksey Oryshchenko
Hugging causes the brain to release serotonin, creating pleasure and negating feelings of loneliness.
8.  Hugs make us feel less lonely — Hugging causes the brain to release serotonin, creating pleasure and negating feelings of loneliness. Source: Himanshu Choudhary
Hugging releases endorphins, which relieve pain by blocking pain pathways and soothe aches by increasing circulation to soft tissues.
9.  Hugs relieve pain — Hugging releases endorphins, which relieve pain by blocking pain pathways and soothe aches by increasing circulation to soft tissues. Source: Unsplash/Dan Dennis
The magical power of the Hug We all love hugs. Here are 9 reasons why we should hug more. Tell us which friend you'd like to give a hug and why. Source: Facebook/BrightVibes


How to Hug: Hugs are a great way to express affection. Hugging shows that you care about a person and that you support that person through good times and bad. However, you want to hug your crush or your lover differently than you hug a friend or family member. Read on for some tips on the best ways to hug the people that you care about.

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