Source: Unsplash/gryffyn m

5 proactive ways to stop deforestation

So what can you do about deforestation? shared 5 practical, proactive suggestions to help individuals do their bit to halt deforestation.

So what can you do about deforestation?

Trees are absolutely vital to life here on Earth, but they are also being destroyed at an alarming rate. So many of the choices we make throughout the day when we’re shopping, eating, or even driving, are powered by deforestation. ⁠Trees are cut and burned down for a number of reasons. Forests are logged to supply timber for wood and paper products, and to clear land for crops, cattle, and housing. Other causes of deforestation include mining and oil exploitation, urbanisation, acid rain and wildfires.⁠ 

According to the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the 33 million acres of forestland that are lost annually around the globe are responsible for 20% of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. Deforestation also contributes to air and water pollution, a loss of biodiversity, erosion, and climatic disruption.⁠ So what can you do about deforestation? —

That’s the sum of the domestic campaign so far. Soon, all the neighbours will be carbon copying each other.
1. Plant a tree That’s the sum of the domestic campaign so far. Soon, all the neighbours will be carbon copying each other. Source: Instagram/earthorg
Whether at home or work, many of us still have that nasty, lazy habit of not learning to utilise computer files and folders properly. So instead, we print. And, you know what, many of us do this when we think others are not looking. So, there you go. You know it’s wrong.
2. Go paperless. Whether at home or work, many of us still have that nasty, lazy habit of not learning to utilise computer files and folders properly. So instead, we print. And, you know what, many of us do this when we think others are not looking. So, there you go. You know it’s wrong. Source: Instagram/earthorg
If only 10% of the entire paper used by the average American were recycled in a year, 25 million trees would be saved, and 367 million pounds (166,500 metric tonnes) of carbon dioxide will be absorbed by these trees in one year.
3. Recycle and buy recycled products. If only 10% of the entire paper used by the average American were recycled in a year, 25 million trees would be saved, and 367 million pounds (166,500 metric tonnes) of carbon dioxide will be absorbed by these trees in one year. Source: Instagram/earthorg
The FS  is currently the best global standard in Forest management. By purchasing FSC certified products, you are ensuring that you aren’t supporting unsustainable, and you are supporting companies who strive to produce wood sustainably respecting the rights of the woodworkers and indigenous peoples.
4. Look for FSC certification on wood. The FS is currently the best global standard in Forest management. By purchasing FSC certified products, you are ensuring that you aren’t supporting unsustainable, and you are supporting companies who strive to produce wood sustainably respecting the rights of the woodworkers and indigenous peoples. Source: Instagram/earthorg
It’s a best practice and a healthy one on top of it too. It’s problematic and time-consuming trying to source meat products that are entirely  devoid of being harvested on land once brimmed with trees
5. Vegetarian meals as often as possible. It’s a best practice and a healthy one on top of it too. It’s problematic and time-consuming trying to source meat products that are entirely devoid of being harvested on land once brimmed with trees Source: Instagram/earthorg
Why planting trees is so important. Plant Trees. Grow Forests. Restore Earth. We need to restore nature, that's why planting trees is so important. Here are seven reasons why we should protect our forests and grow many more! Source: Facebook/LifeTerraEurope


BrightVibes’ partner Life Terra is Europe’s initiative to lead the fight against climate change, prepare future generations, drive greener policies across the board and generate investment and growth in green jobs. 

  • Planting a diverse mix of tree species is essential to our planting plan. We believe firmly in “the right tree in the right place”, for more effective land restoration and greater ecosystem resilience.
  • Monitoring trees is important to ensure that the climate & environmental benefits we claim to make are happening! We are busy developing a state-of-the-art monitoring program, where you can track your tree.
  • Education is our most valuable investment. Life Terra is working with educational specialists to create a STEM based, interactive environmental education program for children ages 8-14.
  • Community involvement is key to our success. If we want to scale tree planting and speed up the pace of climate action, we need your help planting and teaching people how to plant.


Life Terra is Europe’s initiative to lead the fight against climate change, prepare future generations, drive greener policies across the board and generate investment and growth in green jobs. The main objectives are to:

  1. Engage a record number of individual citizens and stakeholders to take action towards climate change mitigation by facilitating the planting of 500 million trees in Europe by 2025
  2. Connect these participants through an innovative and comprehensive web platform and app that organises and streamlines the planting process
  3. Innovate in the latest monitoring and satellite technologies to provide citizens and specialists alike with precise and transparent data on trees planted
  4. Inspire the next generation of EU citizens to thrive in the face of climate change challenges, through a unique STEM based sustainability education program



Join our mission to restore lands near you Plant trees, become a volunteer, trial our education course, organise a restoration project, offer land, donate a tree or compensate your carbon. Join in!

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