Source: Youtube / Izis Strom

Adorable 4-year-old Izis gifts “left-over” flowers to lonely elderly

When her mother told her shops throw away “left-over” flowers, Izis came up with a much better idea; make beautiful bouquets and surprise lonely elderly.

Flowers thrown away

The four-year-old Dutch girl Izis went with her mother to the supermarket and saw that some bouquets had a sticker. "What does that sticker mean, mommy?" "That they are on sale. And the unsold flowers will be thrown away. "But that’s not okay, is it?" the toddler said. 

This is how ‘flower girl’ Izis and her mother came up with a heartwarming action: saving flowers and bringing them to lonely elderly people.

So much gratitude Source: Youtube / Izis Storm

New bouquets

"Those flowers are therefore literally thrown in the garbage container when they are "overdue"  and have not been sold. Such a waste. So we came up with the following: we pick up the flowers that would otherwise be thrown away. At home, we collect all the flowers, sort out the most beautiful ones, and create new bouquets."  – said Izis’ mother Lauri, who used to work in the flower business and knows all about arranging flowers. 

When Izis told the shop manager about her plans, they were very happy to collaborate with her.
When Izis told the shop manager about her plans, they were very happy to collaborate with her. Source: YouTube / Izis Storm
Together with her mother and friends, Izis helps to select and cut flowers.
Izis loves flower arranging Together with her mother and friends, Izis helps to select and cut flowers. Source: Youtube / Izis Storm

Lonely elderly people

When the bouquets are made, they load them in Izis’ little cargo bike and visit lonely elderly people. Laurie says "Many elderly people are often staring outside the window, hoping for some contact from someone who passes by. 

Izis on her cargo bike Source: Youtube / Izis Storm

Human Contact

Laurie receives tips on who to deliver the flowers to. She tells Izis and she makes sure that the flowers are delivered. What happens next is so heartwarming… When a senior citizen opens the door and sees Izis standing in front of the door with a bouquet of flowers, they often respond very emotionally and are intensely grateful. 

Ready to surprise Source: Youtube / Isiz Storm

Contagiously inspiring

After the initial action in December 2018, they got so many heartwarming responses that they decided to continue the initiative. They now pick up flowers two to three times a week on average per week at the local supermarket. The next they the bouquets are made and delivered. Sometimes by car to spare Izis.  They now make about 10 to 15 bouquets per week. And recently a second Albert Heijn Supermarket offered to join the initiative and donate flowers. 

Making people’s day Source: Youtube / Iris Storm
Spreading joy Source: Youtube / Izis Storm
On her way for the next delivery
And she’s off again On her way for the next delivery Source: Youtube / Izis Storm

Watch Izis in action

Seeing Izis the "flower girl" in action will warm anyone’s heart

103 acts of kindness

If you're inspired by Izis her initiative to do an act of kindness but don't know what to do, here are 103 things you can do.

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