Source: YouTube/RylynTV

Get to know Rylyn Clark (6); the little voice of hope that touched the hearts of millions

During lockdown little Rylyn Clarke was missing his relations—so he sang the Bob Marley lullaby that his Mom sings to him and forwarded it to his family… Get to know the little voice of hope better with this BrightVibes interview.

BrightVibes speaks to Rylyn Clark

Rylyn just turned 6, and what he likes most about school is recess. Besides seeing his mommy, he also loves visiting his Nana. BrightVibes founder and CEO Michiel De Gooijer spoke to Rylyn Clark. See below how the two got on.

Don't worry about a thing... Filmed when Rylyn was only 4 years old. He has no understanding of all that is happening right now nor how his sweet little raspy voice and message has resonated with so many around the globe. Source: BrightVibes

Rylyn Clarke’s Mom knew this little boy was magic from the start…

“I adopted Rylyn and have been with him since the day after his birth. As his mom, I’ve always described Rylyn as having some sort of magic.  I couldn’t always put it into words, but it was really his ability to make people happy.”

“Three Little Birds is a lullaby I sing to Rylyn when tucking him at night.  During this coronavirus pandemic, Rylyn was missing his Nana and his family—grandfather, aunts, uncles and his sweet, sweet cousins—so he sang the lullaby that I sing to him.  We forwarded it to our family… and then the world saw it.”

In response, the Clarkes have received thousands of messages from around the world and they have been heart-wrenching and uplifting and kind and moving… and they have affected the family deeply.

But Rylyn is only 4 years old. He has no understanding of all that is happening right now nor how his sweet little raspy voice and message has resonated with so many around the globe.

A website was created to preserve these memories for Rylyn so that when he is older, and able to have a greater understanding, he will be able to reflect, appreciate, and be grateful for the impact that he had on so many people.  The family’s intention is to preserve this moment in time as an “online memory box.” 

“During this pandemic, where everyone could use a little bit of love and a little bit of hope, we share Rylyn’s message. As his mother, it is my privilege and honor to share his message with anyone who needs it right now. 

Because Rylyn is an old soul, when he says every little thing is going to be all right… I believe him with my whole heart.”

— Maureen Clark

April 20, 2020

“Because Rylyn is an old soul, when he says every little thing is going to be all right… I believe him with my whole heart.”
Rylyn and his Mom Maureen Clark: “Because Rylyn is an old soul, when he says every little thing is going to be all right… I believe him with my whole heart.” Source:
Thankful to hear the pure joy of a little kid trying something new ?❤️? Rylyn loves to sing and he could dance since he was a baby...but can he whistle??? Enjoy the infectious laughter...hope it makes you smile!? ? Rylyn Clark ❤️ for sharing your happiness with the world. Source: Facebook/BrightVibes


When we think of the word “positive,” most of us probably think “happy.” However, happiness isn’t the only type of positivity. There are many ways to be more positive in your life, even when you’re experiencing sadness, anger, or challenges. Research suggests that we have powerful capabilities to choose positive emotions and ways of thinking. In fact, our emotions literally change our bodies on a cellular level. Many of our experiences in life are a result of how we interpret and respond to our surroundings. Fortunately, rather than repressing or trying to “get rid” of negative feelings, we can choose to interpret and respond to them differently.You’ll find that with some practice, patience, and perseverance, you can become more positive.

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