Source: Facebook/Groendak

Dutch invent green roof tiles that can turn even pitched roofs into green roofs

These green roof tiles improve air quality, retain rainwater, provide natural insulation and they look stunning!

Green roof tile – a unique concept

Netherlands-based Groendakpan’s green roof tile is an overgrown roof tile. A roof tile supplied overgrown with sedum plants. Easy to install on sloping roofs; ventilating and water resistant, just like a normal tiled roof. The advantages of a roof tile combined with all the advantages of a green roof. Get rid of cold attic rooms and grey tiles. The advantage of natural insulation and the beautiful appearance of the plants are laid with the convenience of a tiled roof. Due to size and weight, the Green roof tile is designed in such a way that a roof with roof tiles is completely comparable. The green roof tile is as heavy as a roof tile. Because the roof tile substrate and the sedum-mix mat are attached to the green roof tile, roof slopes of 20º to 55º are feasible.

Due to size and weight, the Green roof tile is designed in such a way that a roof with roof tiles is completely comparable.
The advantage of natural insulation and the beautiful appearance of the plants are laid with the convenience of a tiled roof. Due to size and weight, the Green roof tile is designed in such a way that a roof with roof tiles is completely comparable. Source: Groendakpan

With a green roof tile you can do any sloping roof.

The Green roof tile can be used in addition to the existing roof tiles and accessories such as the ridge tile, corner tile, bird tile, roof terminal, etc.The green roof tile is a roof tile that is equivalent or directly interchangeable with a quick-action tile. A roof with green roof tiles retains the advantages of a tile roof, ventilating and water retaining. The fittings are then designed as: "fittings without greenery"; so not as a specific green roof tile. The green roof tile can be fixed with a tile hook. Applicable in both new construction and renovation.

A roof with green roof tiles retains the advantages of a tile roof, ventilation and water retention..
The green roof tile is a roof tile that is equivalent or directly interchangeable with a quick-action tile. A roof with green roof tiles retains the advantages of a tile roof, ventilation and water retention.. Source: Groendakpan

How do you make a green tiled roof?

You make a green tiled roof just like an ordinary tiled roof. The green roof tile is installed in exactly the same way as a normal roof tile and also fits perfectly. The roof tiles are the same as a standard quick-deck tile. The distance from the top of the bottom batten to the top of the top batten is variable between approximately 32 and 36 cm. The green roof tile hangs from the top bar and rests on the bottom bar. It’s all we need to know. In short, just as easy as a regular tiled roof!

The distance from the top of the bottom batten to the top of the top batten is variable between approximately 32 and 36 cm.
The roof tiles are the same as a standard quick-deck tile. The distance from the top of the bottom batten to the top of the top batten is variable between approximately 32 and 36 cm. Source: Groendakpan

Technical data

  • Weight "wet and filled" is approximately 4.12 kg per green roof tile.
  • Number of green roof tiles per m² of roof: 9.7 pcs.
  • Applicable on a roof pitch of 20º to 55º.
  • Overgrown with a sedum mix mat and roof tile substrate over a moisture-spreading membrane.
  • Water retention with a 30º sloping roof is approximately 42%.
  • CO2 compensation is approximately 2.97 kg / m².
  • Dimensions: length 42½ cm; width 33½ cm; thickness 7 cm cm (standard dimensions for quick-deck pans).
  • Distance from top of batten to top of batten is 36 cm.

The Green Roof tile comes from the Green Roof delivery program. Made of recyclable HPDE plastic and black in colour. The green roof tile is covered with a sedum-mix mat. Available as a large-format roof tile (so-called fast-decker), covers approximately 9.7 tiles per m².

Green roof tiles are suitable for both new construction and renovation. The Green roof tile is based on the quick-deck tile, which makes it interchangeable and (currently) only available as a "normal roof tile".

Source: Groendakpan

The green roof tile is covered with a sedum-mix mat. Available as a large-format roof tile (so-called fast-decker), covers approximately 9.7 tiles per m².
Made of recyclable HPDE plastic and black in colour. The green roof tile is covered with a sedum-mix mat. Available as a large-format roof tile (so-called fast-decker), covers approximately 9.7 tiles per m². Source: Groendakpan

Benefits of a green roof

A green roof has many benefits at economic, ecological and societal levels. A green roof provides a rainwater buffer, purifies the air, reduces the ambient temperature, regulates the indoor temperature, saves energy and encourages biodiversity in the city. Green roofs are part of climate-proof construction. What’s more, people are happier in a green environment than in grey surroundings. Below SemperGreen explain the benefits one by one. 

  1. Provides a rainwater buffer – A green roof absorbs rain water by the water buffering in the plants, substrate and drainage layer. This delays the discharge of rainwater to the sewage system, purifies the rainwater, and water also evaporates through the plants. This all helps to stabilise the groundwater level, reduces the peak load on the sewage system and reduces the risk of flooding. 
  2. Purifies the air – The plants in a green roof filter particulate matter from the air and convert CO2 into oxygen. With a green roof you are contributing to air purification.
  3. Reduces the ambient temperature – Plants absorb sunlight, 50% is absorbed and 30% reflected; so this helps to create a cooler and more pleasant climate. For the indoor climate this means that the air conditioning doesn’t have to work so hard, which in turn means energy savings. And this too has an extra positive effect on the climate in the immediate vicinity of your building and on the temperature in the city. Overall, it means a 3°C temperature reduction in the city.
  4. Increases solar panel efficiency – A green roof reduces the temperature on the roof. Thanks to this cooler roof, the efficiency of solar panels is higher and so you reduce your total energy costs.
  5. Reduces ambient noise outside and inside – A green roof acts as a sound barrier to your building. It absorbs sound and thus provides a quieter environment, both inside and outside your building.
  6. Extends life span of roof – A green roof protects the roofing material from external influences such as the sun, rain, wind and temperature fluctuations and doubles or triples the life span of your roof to up to 60 years or even longer. You will recoup the investment in your green roof within 8 to 21 years.
  7. Adds value to the building – The natural and sustainable appearance, combined with a reduction in energy costs and extension of the life span of your roof, means an increase in value of your property.
  8. Increases biodiversity – The Sedums, herbs, grasses or host plants that are included in the a green roof promote the habitat of birds, butterflies and insects, especially in the city environment which is mainly concrete and asphalt.
  9. Creates fire-resistant layer Plants naturally contain a lot of moisture. With a green roof you create a natural fire-resistant layer on your house or office building.
  10. Increases the feeling of well-being – Living and working in a green environment has a positive effect on the well-being of people. Greenery offers relaxation and reduces stress. 
  11. Offers healing environment – Greenery encourages faster recovery for patients, resulting in a shorter hospital stay. A persons tolerance of pain is higher  in a green environment. This is also known as a ‘healing environment’.
  12. More social interaction, less vandalism – Working or living in a green environment brings people together. A green environment gives a higher perceived and user experience. This has a positive effect on social cohesion in neighbourhoods. Areas with more greenery suffer less hinder from aggression, violence and vandalism. 
  13. Direct-green, low maintenance – Using vegetation blankets you can create a green roof with a direct-green result. The mats are carefully pre-cultivated and on delivery boast 90% coverage. This means that weeds hardly get a chance to establish themselves and the maintenance required is negligible. 
  14. Saves time and money – In contrast to planting a green roof with individual plug plants, laying a green roof using vegetation blankets is quick and easy to realise. And the subsequent maintenance is minimal. That means you save time and money!
  15. Erosion protection – On roofs exposed to a great deal of wind pre-cultivated vegetation blankets ensure that the substrate will not be blown away in a storm. These provide a solid and erosion-resistant top layer to the green roof.
Source: SemperGreen

a rainwater buffer, purifies the air, reduces the ambient temperature, regulates the indoor temperature, saves energy and encourages biodiversity in the city.
A green roof provides: a rainwater buffer, purifies the air, reduces the ambient temperature, regulates the indoor temperature, saves energy and encourages biodiversity in the city. Source: Groendakpan


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